Merch and Workshops

Special Place – A representation of how time goes by

by Aga

Special Place – A representation of how time goes by.

These photos are part of a project by photographer Agnieszka Konarska. She took these photos in her secondary school, as part of her final project at her college PHO-BOS in Wroclaw, Poland.

She used medium format pinhole and each exposure took around 4 to 6 minutes. This project has taken part in two photography festivals: in the first edition of the TIFF (Troche Inny Festiwal Fotograficzny – in English ‘A Little Different Photography Festival), which took place in Modern Museum Bunkier, Wroclaw; also in the festival OFFO (Ogólnopolski Festiwal Fotografii Otworkowej), which took place in several art galleries in Silesia, including a mobile exhibition which happened all over Poland. OFFO is organised every two years, and only 50 photographers from Poland and 20 from outside Poland are selected to take part in the festival. A great achievement for Aga to have been able to participate in it.

In these touching images, Aga manages to transmit a distinctive feeling of nostalgia. You can just imagine the quietness of the calm minutes during each exposure, in direct contrast with the bustle of the old school days.

A moving concept performed to excellence.

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